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Non compliance and penalty charges

A fixed penalty charge of £200 may be issued for failure to comply in the following circumstances:

  • on sale or rent the seller or landlord failed to make a valid EPC available free of charge to the prospective buyer or tenant at the earliest opportunity or to the person who ultimately becomes the buyer or tenant

  • on marketing the seller or landlord did not commission an EPC before the building was put on the market or the person acting on their behalf (i.e. estate or letting agent) did not ensure that an EPC was commissioned for the building

  • the seller or landlord or a person acting on their behalf did not secure an EPC using all reasonable efforts within 7 days of the building being put on the market. An EPC must be obtained 21 days after the initial 7 day period

  • the seller or landlord or a person acting on their behalf did not include the energy performance indicator in any advertisement of the sale or rental in commercial media

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