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Convention 3.01 - Excludable Energy Uses

The OR should reflect as accurately as possible the energy used by the building for all the activities directly related to the operation of the building compared to a building typical of its type. If energy is consumed for a purpose not directly related to the use of the building being assessed (i.e. not expected to be accounted for in the benchmark) and not attributable to a different building, it may be reasonable where accurately quantifiable to subtract this energy use in certain circumstances.

a) If the energy use is an allowed “Separable energy use” for the benchmark category applicable to the building, then the rules for Separable energy uses must be followed.

b) If the energy use is relevant to a different benchmark category and has an associated floor area, then a composite benchmark approach should be adopted.

c) If neither of the above (a) or (b) applies, and the energy use is clearly not directly related to the use of the building (therefore not accounted for in the benchmark), and the energy used is supplied through the building energy meter, rather than a direct connection to the mains grid, then that energy use may be an “Excludable energy use”.

Where such an energy use:

1. Is supplied through the building energy meter

2. Is essentially unrelated to the use of the building i.e. it is a use that is not expected to

be accounted for within the benchmark

3. Can be accurately quantified i.e. where it is separately metered or sub–metered and

where the metering period matches that of the energy supply it is to be excluded from.

Then that energy use may potentially be excluded from the OR assessment.

The assessor must obtain evidence to demonstrate that the energy consumption excluded from the OR calculation is accurately measured, is for an energy use which is not directly related to the uses included in the preferred building benchmark category and that it cannot be handled as a separable energy use or by using a composite benchmark. In addition, if the energy use is within the control of the occupier, the assessor must obtain evidence of a documented review of energy use and efficiency with improvement proposals completed no earlier than 5 years prior to the energy use being excluded from any OR assessment. The assessor must obtain evidence of such a review or evidence that the energy use is not within the control of the occupier.

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  1. Mike Gordon

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