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Convention 2.06 - Use of Address Line 1 to Describe Site buildings and Building Sub Parts

Due to the complexity of sub dividing large buildings into functional areas requiring a DEC, it is difficult to be completely prescriptive about how to format the information that constitutes sub address information. However, in order to minimise the creation of duplicate sub addresses, Accreditation Schemes and Energy Assessors should adhere to the following guidelines.

Site Building

o Site Building should only be used where the base address / UPRN refers to multiple buildings.

Examples of this would be hospitals or campuses where there is a single postal

address, but multiple buildings.

o There are no further rules for formatting this field. The assessor should identify the building using the most appropriate description, perhaps agreed between the assessor
and the person commissioning the DEC, e.g. “Operating Theatre” or “Great Hall”.
NB: Please note that under this process a refinement to an existing address/UPRN is being requested (rather than a new address/UPRN).

Building Part
o Building Part should be used to identify a sub division within a building.
o The Energy Assessor should generate the Building Part using the following
building part hierarchy:
Floor Details
 Room or suite details
Note that this is normally returned from the PAF (Post Office Address File) details.
For example, “Floor 16, Portland House”

Changes to Organisation/Company Name
If an assessor requires the organisation name of an existing address to be changed, the
assessor must contact Landmark, using their scheme’s normal procedure for requesting a new address, and ask for this to be done (a new address is not added in these instances).
There is one exception to this rule. If a case exists where there are two or more addresses
sharing the same details and the organisation / company name is the ONLY unique element of
each address, a new address / UPRN is needed.
The Bookshop, Unit 2, etc…
The Cookshop, Unit 2, etc…
If an assessor were to ask for one of the above entries to be changed to “The Workshop”, a third entry will be added.

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  1. Mike Gordon

  2. Posted
